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12 pink & red roses

12 pink & red roses


Our pink and red roses arranged in a beautiful bouquet from our Rose Collection is a timeless classic and sure to delight with its beauty and simplicity. 


Our red vibrent rose and the pink elegent rose are visually stunning and show off the natural elegance of our flawlessly bred roses, hand-picked and delivered with care.


**At checkout please put the recipient's address  (in shipping deatils) and date of delivery (same day deliveries must be ordered before 1pm)** 


**Please check our delivery catchment postcodes so that we can accept your order, Thank you** 

• Re-cut the stems at a 45° angle to encourage maximum water absorption

• Place the stems in a clean vase with freshly-drawn, lukewarm water as soon as possible

• Ensure the flowers are positioned out of direct sunlight, away from drafts or heating and avoid extreme temperatures

• Change the water regularly to keep the flowers happy and healthy.

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